10 April 2014: Sixth Booklet in the New Series
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards
Now SIX Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focus on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a
Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Wrecks During the
Age of European Expansion ... and the Coins that they Yield.
In SIX Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics We Have Focused on what a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a Shipwreck Enthusiast should know about Shipwrecks during the Age of European Expansion ... and the Coins that They yield. From the “cobbiest” of Issues stamped out in Copper, Silver or Gold, we have faithfully studied the Progression to —NOW— the Final Steps to the “Transitional” Coins which shaped the World’s Economy from 1732 onward ... based on what Divers of Today have recovered from Salvage Operations of Headline-News Proportions!
VOLUME SIX of SIX, SHIPWRECKS and THEIR COINS: The 1733 Spanish Silver Fleet, is the latest and last in the series to be released. It is in stock as of the 10th of April, 2014.

A very focused work, this book concerns the history of the large silver shipment of 1733 and, especially, the wrecking of  nearly the entire fleet on the coral islets known as the Florida Keys. Included in the work is a brief history of the Spanish King who lost this fleet and others during his two reigns, the European wars which, perhaps, contributed to these losses, and the global events leading to and resulting from them.

These six “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly five decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, and studying their treasures. The information gathered —and the silver, gold and copper coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ...

SHIPWRECKS AND THEIR COINS: VOLUME 6—The 1733 Spanish Treasure Fleet,
by Ernie “SeaScribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2014, ISBN:  978-0-9744705-6-6. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.)* in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
For Details of Volumes #1 thru #5,
See Ads Below...

Book and Coin Dealers (as well as Clubs): Discount Schedule Inquiries INVITED.

*ALL Six Volumes Can be Shipped by USPS Priority Mail in their Flat Rate Stiff Envelope for the
... or for addition to your 1733 Spanish Silver Fleet or general shipwreck library. In every volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of vicious hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of —today— finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Every ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.

NOTE: Each of these booklets is a stand-alone product, designed as a study guide for ships and coins of a specific shipping tragedy in the Americas ... and elsewhere in the World. Some material in each book is similar to that in the others, though tailored to the title subject. They are ESPECIALLY useful as a “go-with” for that “treasured” coin in your collection!
20 July 2012: Fifth Booklet in the New Series
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards
Now FIVE Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focus on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a
Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Wrecks During the
Age of European Expansion ... and the Coins that they Yield.
VOLUME FIVE of five, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1641 New Spain Fleet "Almiranta", is the latest in the series to be released. It is in stock as of the 20th of July, 2012.

A very focused work, this book concerns the history of the huge treasure shipment of 1641 and, especially, the wrecking of Nuestra Señora de la Pura y Límpia Concepción on the coral reefs north of Hispaniola, giving the shoals their name: Silver Bank! Included in the work is a brief history of the Spanish New World "coast guard."

These five “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly four decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, studying their treasures. The data gathered —and the silver, gold, and copper coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ... or for addition to your CONCEPCION or general shipwreck library.

SHIPWRECKS AND THEIR COINS: VOLUME 5—The 1641 New Spain Fleet "Almiranta",
by Ernie “SeaScribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2012, ISBN:  978-0-9744705-5-9. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.)* in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
For Details of Volumes
#1 thru #4,
See Ads Below...

Book and Coin Dealers (as well as Clubs): Discount Schedule Inquiries INVITED.

*ALL Six Volumes Can be Shipped by USPS Priority Mail in their Flat Rate Stiff Envelope for the
In each volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of, today, finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Each ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.


Each of these booklets is a stand-alone product, designed as a study guide for ships and coins of a specific shipping tragedy in the Americas ... and elsewhere in the World. Some of the material in each book is similar to that in the others, though tailored to the title subject. Each book is ESPECIALLY useful as a companion "go-with" for that "treasured" coin in your collection!
25 April 2008: Fourth Booklet in the New Series
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards

Now FOUR Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focus on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a
Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Wrecks During the
Age of European Expansion ... and the Coins that they Yield.
VOLUME FOUR of four, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1740 Dutch East Indiaman ROOSWIJK, is the latest in the series to be released. It is in stock as of 25 April 2008.

A very focused work, this book concerns the history of the VOC, the private Dutch  overseas enterprise and, in 1740, the loss of their valiant Merchantman ROOSWIJK off the south-east coast of England in a fierce North Sea winter  storm.

These four “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly four decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, studying their treasures. The information gathered —and the cob coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ... or just for your entertainment and edification.

SHIPWRECKS AND THEIR COINS: VOLUME 4—The 1740 Dutch East Indiaman ROOSWIJK, by Ernie “SeaScribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2008, ISBN:  978-0-9744705-4-2. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.) in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
For Details of Volumes
thru #3,
See Ads Below...

Book and Coin Dealers (as well as Clubs): Discount Schedule Inquiries INVITED.

In each volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of, today, finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Each ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.


Each of these booklets is a stand-alone product, designed as a study guide for ships and coins of a specific shipping tragedy in the Americas ... and elsewhere in the World. Some of the material in each book is similar to that in the others, though tailored to the title subject.
7 December 2006: New Booklet Series*
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards
Three Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focused on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Three New World Spanish Shipping Calamities and the Coins that they Yield.
VOLUME THREE* of three, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet, is the first in the series to be released. It is in stock as of 7 December 2006.

It is now anticipated that Volume One, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1622 Spanish Treasure Fleet will be published by Spring 2007, followed by Volume Two, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1654 “Capitana” and 1655 “Almiranta” by Summer 2007.

These three “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly four decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, studying their treasures. The information gathered —and the cob coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ... or just for your entertainment and edification.

SHIPWRECKS AND THEIR COINS: VOLUME 3—The 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet, by Ernie “Seascribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2007, ISBN 13: 978-0-9744705-3-5. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.) in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
Three Available 7 Dec. 2007.

In each volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of, today, finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Each ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.

*The three books of this series were developed at the same time, with Volume Three being completed first! This booklet, based on our studies of the 1715 Treasure Fleet for PLVS VLTRA Newsletter, naturally came out of the mill first, as we had to “dig a little deeper” to complete its companions.
4 September 2007: Third Booklet* in the New Series
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards
Last of Three Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focused on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Three New World Spanish Shipping Calamities and the Coins that they Yield.

VOLUME TWO* of three, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1654 South Seas "Capitana" & 1655 New Spain Fleet "Almiranta" (Jesús María ... Las Maravillas), is the third in the series to be released. It is in stock as of 24 September 2007.

Very focused, this book concerns the history of the Spanish treasure shipment of 1654 (Jesús-María), lost on an Ecuadoran reef, largely recovered, then lost again in 1656 (Las Maravillas) on the Bahama Banks!

These three “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly four decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, studying their treasures. The information gathered —and the cob coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ... or just for your entertainment and edification.

VOLUME 2—The 1654 "Capitana" & 1655 "Almiranta"
, by Ernie “SeaScribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2007, ISBN:  978-0-9744705-2-8. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.) in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
For Details of Volumes #3
thru #6,
See Ads Above...

Book and Coin Dealers (as well as Clubs): Discount Schedule Inquiries INVITED.

In each volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of, today, finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Each ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.

*The three books of this series were developed at the same time, with Volume Three being completed first! This volume, the Third and Final in the series, is based on our studies of the 1654 Treasure Fleet, which went to the bottom at least twice before departing the New World. This book's appearance later is due to our determination to include the latest news and  the best fotos in it.
01 August 2007: Second Booklet* in the New Series
"Shipwrecks & Their Coins..."
by Ernie "SeaScribe" Richards
Three Volumes of Text, Tables, Charts, and Graphics
Focused on What a Collector of Cobs, a Coin Dealer, or a Shipwreck Enthusiast Should Know about Three New World Spanish Shipping Calamities and the Coins that they Yield.
VOLUME ONE* of three, Shipwrecks and Their Coins: The 1622 Spanish Treasure Fleet (Atocha... Santa Margarita), is the second in the series to be released. It is in stock as of 1 August 2007.

With Volume 3 having been introduced in December of 2006, and with Volume 1 available now, it is anticipated that Volume Two,  Shipwrecks and Their Coins:
The 1654 “Capitana” and 1655 “Almiranta” will be published by September 2007.

These three “primer-plus” booklets are the product of nearly four decades of diving the wrecks, researching their histories, studying their treasures. The information gathered —and the cob coins  studied— have been described in many articles, books, and magazines, as well as being photographed and sketched by the author, and is now at your fingertips for ready reference ... or just for your entertainment and edification.

SHIPWRECKS AND THEIR COINS: VOLUME 1—The 1622 Spanish Treasure Fleet, by Ernie “SeaScribe” Richards.

EN RADA Publications, 2007, ISBN:  978-0-9744705-1-1. 48 pages, 5.5” x 8.5” format. Color cover. Map, Photos, Table of Contents, Index, and References.

COST: $10.00 US, postage $1.63 (1/C) --or-- $6.70 (Prio.) in the US. Order from En Rada, P. O. Box 1698, W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.
For Details of Volumes #2 thru
See Ads Above...

Book and Coin Dealers (as well as Clubs): Discount Schedule Inquiries INVITED.

In each volume of 48 5.5”x 8.5” pages, you will be exposed to the hardships of the days of sail, the terror of hurricanes and being shipwrecked in a hostile land, and the joy of, today, finding or collecting a piece of this period of history.

Each ship, or fleet of ships, is thoroughly described, down to their names as best as can be determined to date. A relation of their wrecking and the precious cargos they carried follows, then a detailed study of the coins and their cryptic devices and inscriptions is conducted —accented with an informative array of sketches and photographs.

*The three books of this series were developed at the same time, with Volume Three being completed first! This, the first in the series, is based on our studies of the 1622 Spanish Treasure Fleet for PLVS VLTRA Newsletter. Its appearance later is due to our determination to include the latest news and  the best fotos in it.

Written by Retired State Archaeological Field Agent TOMMY GORE!

In The Great Florida Treasure Hunt

by Tommy Gore
(as told to T. L. Armstrong)

This is a refreshing perpective on the shipwreck recoveries from the 1715 Spanish Treasure Fleet off Florida’s east coast by the State of Florida Archaeological Field Agent on the job from the 1960s into the new millennium.
Though mainly a narrative about the 1715 Fleet, Tommy also writes about his experiences in the Florida Keys with wrecks of the 1733 Spanish Treasure Fleet, the “American Gold” wreck of 1857 off Fort Pierce, Bahama Island dives, and much more “inside” insight concerning the “treasure years” in Florida.
From the back cover: “This book is Tommy Gore’s addition to Florida’s rich collection of historic documentation. As a marine agent of Florida’s State Board of History and Archives, now the Bureau of Archaeological Research, Tommy was the most widely recognized field authority known to all the treasure salvors in Florida during the last three decades of the 20th century.”

Format: 5.5” x 8.5”; 277 numbered pages. ISBN 1-4243-1823-8. Signum Ops Productions, Merritt Island. 2006. Full color stiff boards cover, glossy pages replete with color photographs and several vintage b&w shots.
You may order your copy from: EN RADA Publications / P. O. Box 1698 / W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698. Price: $20.00, plus $3.50 (Media Mail) or $6.70 (Priority) shipping in the U.S. [SORRY, OUT OF STOCK!]

This is a reprint of the Handbill printed in London which relates the particulars of the great loss of life and ships during the Caribbean hurricane of 5 September 1622. A duplicate of “original research” material, this news medium of old lists those who perished and those who survived this disaster—down to the details of each one’s position or occupation...and where they lived in Spain!

An Introduction by Ernie “Seascribe” Richards explains how to read and understand the Old English in which the handbill is written. Not only is this a necessity for your ATOCHA collection, but this document will give you insight into the skills required by the researchers who study and find ancient shipwrecks in the New World. Educational and entertaining as well.

Out of print for over 375 years, “A TRVE RELATION OF THAT WHICH LATELY HAPNED TO the great Spanish Fleet and Galeons of Terra Firma in America” will grip you with its personal insight and contemporary feeling. This is the impossible-to-get handbill that is pictured on page-18 of the Christie’s New York Auction Catalog of June 14-15, 1988, and which is referenced in several books and magazine articles!

All people fascinated by the aura of shipwrecks and their histories and treasures, would-be researchers, and owners of coins from the ATOCHA should certainly have this handbill for a period reference and as an adjunct to the relics of that fated galleon! Produced with “parchment” colored paper and “sepia” colored ink, this 5.5” x 8.5” booklet has the “look” of an old publication, and it packs 32 pages full of “need-to-know” info. 

Just off the press on 10 APRIL 2001, this is the first offering of this ancient "news medium" since 1623! You may purchase copies of this pamphlet for $8.00, plus $1.63 postage per booklet (in the US). Overseas readers please add $2.50 additional postage per booklet. 

Order/Inquire through EN RADA Publications~P. O. Box 1698 ~West Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698. PH: 561.965.2930. E-mail:

DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED: To dealers of shipwreck coins (or Book Dealers), especially from ATOCHA: This is the perfect “go-with” for your coin sales! Please inquire about the generous multiple copy Discount Schedule!

25 September 2006: New Spanish-English "Translator"...
The Macuquina Code
by Agustín "Augi" Garcia-Barneche
If you have any connection with “cobs” —Spanish colonial coins of gold, silver or copper— then The Macuquina Code belongs in your numismatic library! Compiled by Agustín “Augi” García-Barneche and produced by Jorge Adeler, both of Historic Real Treasures in Great Falls, VA, this is a long-needed publication. In 96 7" x 10" softbound pages, Augi has pulled together over 1500 words and terms specific to collecting, buying, and selling cob coins and placed them in alphabetical order for quick reference.
    The first section of the book has these entries in the Spanish language in the left-hand column with their exact English counterparts listed opposite them in the right-hand column, providing a ready “translator” for words and expressions one encounters in books, articles, and auction catalogs and for which there was formerly “no clue.”
    In the second half of his work, García-Barneche alphabetized the same words and terms in English and installed them in the left-hand column facing the Spanish translation on the right-hand side of the page. A list of “references consulted” is also included in this section.
    Much like a Spanish-English/English-Spanish dictionary, the book has been designed to be used for two-way conversion of terms finely-tuned to the specific subjects of Spanish colonial coins, Spanish shipwrecks, Spanish-American history, and words which formerly just elicited a shrug from the reader —as they were part of the archaic or local jargon in the treasure-producing areas of the New World.
    As part of the “ancient order” which created this masterpiece, EN RADA Publications issues the following:
    “With apologies to author Dan Brown, we think that the unraveling of the ‘secrets’ involved in the study of MACUQUINAS justifies our take-off on the title of his best-selling book. Our ‘translator’ will put the user light years ahead of other beginning or veteran students of Spanish Colonial coins, giving him or her access to the treasuries of information to be gotten from previously inaccessible sources. Internet web sites, documents, manuscripts, books, catalogs and more produced in the language native to this study may now be searched for valuable details concerning our common interest: cobs ... macuquinas! Be sure that this is the first word you look up, and you’ll be off on an adventure much like the characters in Brown’s book. The clues are there...”
    “The attractive cover artwork alone is worth the price of the book! On a medium avocado-colored background, the artist (Augi) has framed a photo of an 8 reales piece from the “Capitana” wreck of 1654. With a clever graphics technique, he placed the translation of PLVS VLTRA in the banner which would normally be strung between the pillars.” --Ernie Richards [SIX COPIES LEFT IN STOCK!]
    You can order your autographed edition of The Macuquina Code, for just $10.00 plus $6.70 (Priority Mail postage in the US). Make the check out to, and mail to:
EN RADA Publications
P. O. Box 1698
W. Palm Beach, FL

“It looks great. Should be very useful. After looking through it, it should also be helpful to collectors of ancient coins, if they are dealing with one of the Spanish firms, a Spanish language catalogue or web site. Congratulations on a fine reference work.” Kerry K. Wetterstrom, Editor/Publisher ­ The Celator

“For every serious researcher threading his way through Spanish legajos, the new book The Macuquina Code is a breath of fresh air. It shortens the time of research by days and weeks.” Bob “Frogfoot” Weller, Diver, Author, Researcher

“This book will be very useful for novices as well as advanced collectors to translate the reference material as well as auctions that are written in Spanish into English.” Danny Lee, DHL Rare Coins Inc.

No doubt about it, this is a book every collector of Spanish & Spanish Colonial coins should own and keep within arm’s reach. ‘Indispensable’ is not too strong a word: without it, the best books and articles and catalogues on Spanish numismatics remain indecipherable to most of us. We all owe Augi a sincere ¡Gracias!” Philip Flemming, Ph.D.

“El Código Macuquina va a ser una ayuda útil, especialmente para coleccionistas, ya que es fácil de usar, no es excesivamente profuso y concentra nociones usuales y habituales que pueden leerse en catálogos de subasta y libros algo más especializados.” Juán Cayón, Cayón Numismática, Madrid

“Any one who collects colonial or shipwreck coins should purchase this book. A very valuable resource that is enlightening and educational.” Dan Scocozza, Collector

“This great little book is a valuable tool for anyone who studies cobs and has run across Spanish (and other) terms that can’t be translated without specific numismatic experience.  This book picks up where Beals’ Numismatic Terms of Spain and Spanish America left off in 1966.” Daniel Frank Sedwick, Professional Numismatist

“The book has already been useful several times, and I just received it two days ago! In this great hobby of ours, shipwreck treasures, we all learn as we go. No one knows it all. That’s what is so fantastic about it! Now, with what you have done, it makes cob study even more interesting. Everyone with an interest in the hobby, whether they are beginners or professionals, have something they can glean from this publication. I will VERY proudly represent the booklet to the best of my abilities to all of my clients and people that I am in contact with. Again, you have done a fantastic job, and this a fantastic addition to the Numismatic/Shipwreck Treasure community!” Frank Noga, Shipwreck Treasure Catalog Company

“Outstanding in all respects!! Augi, you have now made your mark in terms of the study of Spanish-American numismatics. Keep up the good work.” Sewall Menzel , Collector, Numismatist, Author
10 October 2003: Announcing the Arrival of...
From  New World Shipwrecks
by Alan K. Craig & Ernest J. Richards, Jr.
For nearly 300 years, forced labor mined, smelted, and cast precious metal ingots under a strong Spanish hand. Silver, Gold, and Copper ores were extracted in prodigious amounts from Native American lands and were then  systematically shipped home to Spain, where they were melted into oblivion; there is no “museum of bullion” in Europe!

The study of such marvelous and significant artifacts is only possible because of the several losses of Spanish ships and fleets in the Americas  —and their modern salvage by both private enterprise and archaeological teams. Research in the musty archives on both sides of the Atlantic has resulted in a new understanding of the industry which altered world economics forever.

SPANISH TREASURE BARS From New World Shipwrecks (Volume One), by Alan K. Craig and Ernest J. Richards, Jr., combines the many years of numismatic and historic study by these two acknowledged scholars —and their experience in their fields— to bring the reader a detailed  —yet understandable— overview of this subject.

SPANISH TREASURE BARS From New World Shipwrecks. 
An EN RADA Publication. 
New in October, 2003. 228 pp. 
8-1/2” x 11.” Soft Bound. 300+ B&W photographs, maps, illustrations. 
18 color photos. Appendixes, 
tables, bibliography, index. 
ISBN 0-9744705-0-3. 
En Rada Publications 
P.O. Box 1698 / W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.

Treasure Ingots on Exhibit at the Museum of Florida History 
in Tallahassee.

Gold Ingot from the 1715 Spanish Plate Fleet to be seen in the 
Exhibit Case above.
In 228 8.5” x 11” softbound pages, Craig and Richards ably explain what is known to date regarding treasure ingots, accenting the text with over 300 illustrations plus a 42-page “spread sheet” of data on 963 of the silver bars recovered from Nuestra Señora de Atocha. Charts, maps, photos (18 in color), and drawings depict the bars, people who found them, the New World regions where they were made, and details of their markings.

The book’s chapters include:

1— Introduction; 
2— The Mimbres Bars; 3— The Padre Island Wrecks; 
4— A Shipwreck near Cayo Inés de Soto; 
5— The Power Plant Wreck; 
6— Treasure Bars from the Atocha
7— Nuestra Señora de las Maravillas
8— The Jupiter Wreck; 9— Treasure Bars from the 1715 Plate Fleet; 10— El Nuevo Constante nèe Duke of York
11— Cuban Copper Treasure Ingots; and 12— Old and New Falsifications of Spanish Bars.

SPANISH TREASURE BARS From New World Shipwrecks.
ISBN 0-9744705-0-3, Softbound, $45.00 Plus Postage
 ORDER FROM: En Rada Pubs. / P.O. Box 1698 / W. Palm Beach, FL 33402-1698.








(Updated, 18 May 2014)


P9401. SUNKEN TREASURE ON FLORIDA REEFS by Bob “Frogfoot” Weller. (1993 2nd Edition. Over twice the text and photographs!!!) Guide to the history and locations of the 1715 Spanish Plate Fleet lost off Florida's East Coast. COST: (Softbound) $XX.XX plus $X.XX Postage & Packing; (Hardbound) $XX.XX plus $X.XX Postage and Packing. SOLD OUT! SEE #9601.

P9402. FAMOUS SHIPWRECKS OF THE FLORIDA KEYS* by Bob “Frogfoot” Weller. Volume One of a series locates six Spanish, British, and American shipwrecks which sank between 1695 and 1822. COST: $XX.XX plus $XX Postage & Packing. Softbound. 

 P9403. GALLEON HUNT* by Bob “Frogfoot” Weller. The real-life story of a man, his quest, and a treasure galleon. The saga of Art McKee, grand-daddy of all treasure hunters, and La Genovesa, which sank on the Pedro Banks in 1730. COST: $XX.XX, Hard Bound, plus $XX Postage & Packing.

P9903. SALVAGING SPANISH SUNKEN TREASURE* by Bob "Frogfoot" Weller. New in 1999. From his successful annual seminars, Bob has compiled a "handbook" for beginning treasure divers and experienced ones alike. It's also a "good read" for an understanding of how things work in the treasure salvage business in Florida. Lots of helpful tips and "how-to's"! COST: $XX.XX plus $XX Postage & Packing. Softbound. 

P0102SB. GALLEON ALLEY: The 1733 Spanish Treasure Fleet* by Bob "Frogfoot" Weller. Soft Bound Edition. COST: $XX.XX, Soft Bound...Plus $XX Postage & Packing.

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